
Batak Museum in Tomok Samosir Island

Posted 07-02-2012 18:32  » Team Tobatabo

Batak Museum in Tomok is one of the three that I have visited. The other two are in Simanindo and Pematang Purba. Both the museums in Simanindo and Pematang Purba are former residences of Batak rulers, whereas the one in Tomok, although located a short walking distance from the Tomb of the Sidabutar kings is one specially set up to showcase the Batak culture in Tomok.

The Batak Museum in Tomok displays Batak handicrafts such as masks as well as household items including basketware, pots, spears, and tribal effigies. Also on display are musical instruments such as the gongs and drums. When I was there, the museum was still being made ready - I think it is not officially open to the public yet, but visitors are welcome to enter and admire the artefacts.

The items on display at the Tomok Batak Museum.
The Batak Museum in Simanindo used to be the former residence of the Simanindo ruler.
A Solu Bolon, or royal boat, is exhibited at the Batak Museum in Simanindo.
The Batak Museum of Pematang Purba, also a former royal residence, showcases Batak craftsmanship in their architecture. More details of this royal residence available on the Pematang Purba page.


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