Posted 10-05-2013 05:00  » Team Tobatabo

Batak's Ulos History


“Batak ulos “, known as the identity of the Batak in accordance Culture and customary.

Types and Functions Ulos Batak.

Batak people are known as “Bangso”, why ..?

Formerly already have their own kingdom, Mardebata Mulajadi Nabolon (“creator gigantic”), has the Letter of Batak script, and have never had the money exchange the Ringgit Batak (“Ringgit Sitio Voice”), Uning-uningan namarragam (“music”), have Indigenous Culture, and has a law.

But now it has become the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, Toba Batak people and even many who do not know the language of their homeland, see the development of technology nowadays, tor-tor Batak are many who do not know, even today Ulos Batak unknown types and function.

Exodus 19:10 :

And the LORD said to Moses, “Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments,

With this basis the Joint Toba dot Com, socialize Types and Functions Ulos Batak:

I. “Ulos Antak-Antak”, wear scarves parents mourn the departed, and used as a cloth wrapped around / hohop hohop manortor time of the event.

II. ”Ulos Bintang Maratur”, Ulos this is the most widely Ulos usefulness in events such as: Awarded to a child who enters a new home by parents, if this Ulos Toba diadat given time 7 Month Pregnant by a parent, but it is different if in this Ulos Tarutung given time of the event joy (“happy”), this Ulos Pahompu also given to the newborn, although most love mangiring parompa let alone the means for a newborn child accompanied by a subsequent child, then this ulos pahompu used for the baptized and also used as a shawl.

III. “Ulos Bolean”, Ulos is used as a shawl on special occasions grief.

IV. “Ulos Mangiring”, this Ulos wear scarves, rope-rope, this Ulos also given to newly born children and grandchildren, especially the first child is referred to as a symbol of the desire for accompanied children sianak onwards, even Ulos can be used as Parompa.

V. “Ulos Padang Ursa”, used as the Rope-rope and scarf.

VI. “Ulos Pinan Lobu Lobu”, used as a scarf.

VII. “Ulos Pinuncaan”, Ulos is actually comprised of five sections that are woven separately and then together neatly into the form of one whose utility Ulos among others:

Ulos can be used various occasions for sorrow or joy, in the event this ulos customary used / worn by the Kings as well as by the Peoples Ordinary Peoples during the meet guidelines for example, at the wedding or ceremonial suhut sihabolonon / Hasuhutonlah (“master home “) who use this ulos, then at a big party in the event marpaniaran, ulos is also used / ridden as a fabric / hohop hasuhuton-hohop by the family, and this Ulos as Ulos Passamot on Marriage ceremony.

VIII. “Ulos Ragi Hotang”, Ulos is usually given to a bride who called Ulos Helah.

IX. “Ragi Huting”, Ulos is now rarely used, perhaps the time parents first before independence, the girls wear this Huting Ulos Yeast as everyday wear chest wound (Hoba-Hoba), and then used as a shawl when parents travel.

X. “Ulos Sibolang Rasta Pamontari”, this Ulos if the past is used for the purposes of sorrow and joy, but in today’s Sibolang symbol of grief can be said, is used also as Ulos Saput (who died of adults who do not have grandchildren), and used as Ulos Tujung (Widow / Widower who do not have grandchildren), and then in the event Ulos grief is the most widely used by close family.

XI.”Ulos Sibunga Umbasang” and “Ulos Simpar,” worn as a scarf.

XII. “Ulos Sitolu Tuho”, Ulos is used as a headband or scarf women

Suri-suri XIII.Ulos Ganjang, used as-Hande Hande at margondang, and used as by the Hula-hula to manggabe i borunya therefore also called “Ulos Gabe-Gabe”.

XIV. “Ulos Ragi Harangan”, its use together with Ragi Pakko.

XV. “Ulos Simarinjam sisi”, used as a fabric, and is also equipped with Ulos Pinuncaan girded with custom equipment as “Panjoloani Batak” who wore this one at the front.

XVI. “Ulos Ragi Pakko”, used as a blanket on antiquity and the introduction of women from rich families take two yeast for blankets that are used everyday, and it is also likely if the parents died later after going disaput wear Yeast plus other Ulos called Ragi Pakko because it colors black like Pakko.

XVII. “Ulos Tumtuman”, used as a rope-rope motif and used the first child of “hasuhutan”.

XVIII. “Ulos Tutur-tutur”, was used as the ropes and as-Hande Hande are often given by parents as “Parompa” to her grandson.

So the type and function of this Ulos, called the introduction of identity and culture of Batak appropriate cultures, and the Batak are known from Ulos it bears testimony even from “Tungkot” and “Tortor”.

Horassssss .!